Project Information
May 2023 update:
The Planning Proposal was notified on 14 May 2023. The proposal notified can be viewed on Planning Portal.
March 2020 update:
The 2020 consultation closed on Monday 9 March, and submissions were reviewed. Thank you to all who provided feedback.
February 2020 consultation:
Council invites you to have your say on a request to amend Auburn Local Environmental Plan 2010 to increase the existing maximum Height of Building controls to 53m and increase the site’s existing Floor Space Ratio controls to 4.2:1 for land at 2-36 Church Street, Lidcombe.
The intended outcome of the Planning Proposal is to facilitate redevelopment of the site for the purpose of a new residential estate with a mix of social, affordable and other private housing.
The proposal provides a letter of offer for a Voluntary Planning Agreement.
We encourage you to view the exhibition material under 'Project Documents' on the right side of this page.