Smart Cumberland

Our Smart Cumberland Journey

Our vision for Cumberland as a smart place has been informed by engagement and the aspirations of our Community Strategic Plan.
Our vision provides us with a high-level and aspirational state of Cumberland as a smart place.

  • Cumberland is a leading smart place integrating innovation, technology, and data to enhance safety, connectivity, and accessibility.
  • Cumberland as a smart place will promote inclusion and celebrate the city’s rich diversity and unique context.
  • Smart places activity in Cumberland will drive sustainability and enable the region to be vibrant, attractive, and efficient.

You can view our Smart Places Strategy and Action Plan below or in the document library.


What are Smart Places?

Smart Places leverage data, innovation, and digital technology to enhance sustainability and mobility, promote innovation and vibrancy, and enable spaces to be used more effectively by our communities.
Smart Places combine the physical with the digital to improve service delivery and decision‑making, and can assist in building inclusive, liveable, and accessible communities. Cities around the world regionally, and locally have implemented smart projects to support the unique needs of their communities.

Find out more information about our six flagship projects on the infographic in the Image Gallery.

Smart Cumberland award recognition

Cumberland Council’s Place and Economy team in partnership with the Urban Planning and Strategy team have been recognised for two Highly Commended awards at this year’s Planning Institute of Australia NSW Awards! 🎉

🏆 SMART Cumberland Program – Technology and Digital Innovation category

This celebrates the incredible work we’ve done in leveraging technology to create smarter, more sustainable solutions for the Cumberland. It’s an honor to see the impact of our efforts being acknowledged at this level.

In partnership with the Urban Strategy and Planning team, the other award received was:

🏆 Westmead Master Plan Engagement – Stakeholder Engagement category

Group of 3 men and 4 women at awards ceremony holding up certificates giving thumbs up sign

Current Projects


Use the interactive slider below to see images of our Smart Cumberland projects.

Auburn Heat Map

Auburn Heat Map

Plants make a difference to heat in urban environments.

Guildford Laneway - Before

Guildford Laneway - After

Recent Smart Project Consultations

View All

Any questions?

If you have any questions about this project, please contact:

Eshita Dutia
Principal Smart Places Officer
P: (02) 8757 9000

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