Greystanes Skate Park

February 2021 Update

It was resolved at the 3 February 2021 Council meeting that Council endorse in principle the co-location of a Skate Park within the Guildford Pool complex, subject to the outcome of the community engagement process. The agenda can be viewed in our links section.

February 2020 Update

The report listed for the Council Meeting on Wednesday 18 December 2019 regarding the feasibility of Gipps Road Sporting Complex as a potential site for a skate facility was deferred. The matter has been rescheduled for the Council Meeting on Wednesday 5 February 2020.  The report is available here. More information about Council meetings, including addressing Council, can be found on on the Council website.

2018 Consultation and 2019 Report to Council

In August 2017, Council resolved to build a skate park in Bathurst Street Park, Greystanes. This resolution was contingent on Council receiving a $50,000 Community Building Partnership Grant. However, Council’s grant application was unsuccessful and the determination has now lapsed.

With this lapse and recent changes to Bathurst Street Park, including the addition of new soccer fields, Council considered it prudent to investigate an alternative site and had added Darling Street to the options for the proposed Skate Park.

In light of the changed conditions, Council re-engaged with the community on the proposed location of Greystanes Skate Park.

Following this consultation, a final recommendation will be made to Council based on community feedback.

Consultation has now concluded. An engagement summary report can be found in the 'Relevant Documents' section of this page.

If you have any questions about this project, please contact:

Richard Loudon
Acting Principal Landscape Architect
P: (02) 8757 9000

Join the conversation and have your say!