Cumberland Town Centres

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  • March 2025 update: Woodville Road Corridor

    Council invites you to have your say on the Draft Woodville Road Corridor Planning Proposal to amend the Cumberland Local Environmental Plan 2021.

    On 20 March 2024, Council resolved to submit the Draft Woodville Road Corridor Planning Proposal to the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (the Department). Council received Gateway Determination (approval to proceed subject to conditions) from the Department on 1 November 2024.

    The proposal seeks to amend planning controls for 31 sites under the Cumberland Local Environmental Plan 2021 as follows:

    • Amend land use zoning of sites to either R3 Medium Density Residential, R4 High Density Residential or E1 Local Centre.
    • Introduce a maximum building height of 31m to 41m along Woodville Road.
    • Introduce floor space ratios of 1.8:1 to 2.5:1 along Woodville Road.
    • Introduce height of building and floor space ratio incentives where either affordable housing or public open space are provided.

    The Draft Planning Proposal and all relevant attachments can be found on the Draft Woodville Road Corridor project page.

    The public exhibition period runs from Tuesday 4 March 2025 to Thursday 17 April 2025. During this exhibition period, residents are encouraged to submit their comments on the proposal. Anyone who wishes to provide feedback on the proposal must do so in writing by 5pm Thursday 17 April 2025.