Granville Town Hall - major renovation works

Stay informed about the Granville Town Hall major works

Granville Town Hall newly renovatedDecember 2021 update:

Granville Town Hall’s $550,000 refresh is now finished, and will bring new life to a cherished historical monument. Listed as an item of environmental heritage, it has both local and state heritage significance.

The delicate and carefully planned works see the Town Hall restored to its former glory as the centre piece for Granville. Council undertook a robust procurement process to ensure the best methodology, materials, quality work and value for money. All works are consistent with the original qualities of the building including careful selection of colours and materials. Now the works are complete, it will again be a major venue for community events and activities.

The works include:

  • repairs to the external pavement,
  • repairs to the stormwater and drainage lines,
  • structural repairs to the building including underpinning, and
  • external repairs and painting.

The works were approved by Heritage NSW and the Department of Premier and Cabinet.

About Granville Town Hall:

It’s a rare and intact example of a Victorian Free Classical government building. It is thought to be one of only two intact nineteenth-century council chamber buildings in Sydney's west.

Built in 1888 following the incorporation of Granville in 1885, it is an important symbol of the growth of Granville and its sense of identity. The original 1888 section is a two-storey, rendered brick building on an almost square plan with a hipped corrugated iron roof. The facade to Carlton Street is designed in the Italianate manner and features a two-storey projecting port and flanking piers with second-storey paired pilasters. The auditorium or hall, added in 1900, is a plain painted brick gabled structure running westward behind the front section. Internally, the large hall is distinguished by restrained Doric pilasters supporting a panelled vault ceiling.

August 2021 update:

In line with the updated NSW Government Public Health Order, work recommenced on the Granville Town Hall site. Work will progress following the requirements stipulated for Construction Sites by the NSW Government.

July 2021 update:

In compliance with the NSW Government Public Health Order, all work has ceased on the Granville Town Hall site from Monday 19 July. Once the Public Health Orders are updated and work is permitted to restart, the work completion dates will be revised accordingly. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by delays during this time.

March 2021 notification:

Following the Approval of Development application from Cumberland City Council and Heritage Council, Major renovation works are commencing at Granville Town Hall to rehabilitate and preserve the Heritage Asset.

The works are expected to commence on 22 March 2021 and anticipated to be completed in 4 months (weather permitting). During the renovation period access will be restricted for safety reasons.

Cumberland City Council apologises for any inconvenience due to this closure.

The location of the work can be seen on the map below:

Granville Town Hall construction site


If you have any questions about this project, please contact:

Qaiss Orya
Construction Project Officer
P: (02) 8757 9308 